ランクについて About Rank
ElementX Networkではサーバーに寄付を行うとお礼としてランクが付与されます
ElementX Network will give you a rank as a thank you for donating to the server
The amount of rank is as follows
ランク名 Rank Name | 説明 Description | 寄付額 Donation |
VIP | ロビーでの飛行, 花火の打ち上げ, フレンド追加が15人に, パーティ招待可能人数が10人に, MysteryBox星4が開ける Flying in the lobby, launching fireworks, adding friends to 15 people, party invitations to 10 people, MysteryBox 4 stars open | ¥800 |
VIP+ | VIPの機能, プロフィール閲覧 VIP features, profile viewing | ¥1500 |
MVP | VIP+の機能, クエスト自動モード, フレンド追加が20人に, パーティ招待可能人数が20人に, MysteryBox星5が開ける VIP+ features, quest auto mode, add friends to 20 people, party invites to 20 people, MysteryBox 5 stars open | ¥3000 |
MVP+ | MVPの機能, ギルドの作成 Functions of MVP, Creation of Guilds | ¥5000 |
MVP++ |
MVP+の機能, ギルド名の装飾, ギルド名変更, パーティ招待可能人数が30人に, パーティーのプライベートゲーム機能 ※月額制, MVP+またはYT++が必要 MVP+ features, guild name decoration, guild name change, party invitations up to 30 people, party private game features * Monthly system, MVP+ or YT++ is required |
¥1000 |
YT(YouTube) |
VIPの機能 審査条件※: 登録者数300人以上, 当サーバーの動画1本以上投稿済みで、月に1本以上投稿 Features of VIP Requirements for review*: More than 300 registered users, at least 1 video on our server already posted, at least 1 video posted per month |
--- |
YT+ |
VIP+の機能, 全パーティクル解放 審査条件※: 登録者数1000人以上, 当サーバーの動画1本以上投稿済みで、月に1本以上投稿 Features of VIP+, release of particles Requirements for review*: More than 1,000 registered users, at least 1 video on our server already posted, at least 1 video posted per month |
--- |
YT++ |
MVP+の機能, 全ゲームのキルエフェクト, パーティクル解放 審査条件※: 登録者数3000人以上, 当サーバーの動画1本以上投稿済みで、月に1本以上投稿 Features of MVP+, release of kill effects for all games and particles Requirements for review*: More than 3,000 registered users, at least 1 video on our server already posted, at least 1 video posted per month |
--- |
Sponsor | 現在受け付けておりません No Application | --- |
* Ranks will be granted to those who meet these conditions and after a prescribed screening process by the management of this server. After the granting of the rank, the server management may change or revoke the rank according to the performance.
For the review, please use the official Discord ticket and tell us your request "YT Rank Review" with the URL of your YouTube channel.
お支払い方法 Payment method
1. 公式Discordのチケットを作成し、サーバーへの寄付の旨を伝えてください。この時、お支払いする金額、ネームタグを送ってください
2. スタッフがPayPayのQRをお送りしますので決済を行なってください
3. お支払い後、以下の手順で決済番号を取得して1で作ったチケットにこの決済番号を送ってください
4. 決済確認次第お支払いした金額に値するお礼のランクを付与させていただきます
1. Create an official Discord ticket and tell us that you are donating to the server. At this time, please send the amount to be paid and the name tag
2. The staff will send you a QR of PayPay, so please make a payment
3. After payment, please follow the steps below to get the payment number and send this payment number to the ticket you made in 1.
4. As soon as the payment is confirmed, we will give you a thank-you rank worth the amount you paid.

Amazonギフトカード、Google Playギフトコード Amazon Gift Card, Google Play Gift Code
1. 公式Discordのチケットを作成し、サーバーへの寄付の旨を伝えてください。この時、お支払いする金額、ネームタグを送ってください
2. スタッフが誘導しますのでその指示に従ってください
1. Create an official Discord ticket and tell us that you are donating to the server. At this time, please send the amount to be paid and the name tag
2. The staff will guide you so please follow the instructions
注意事項 Notes
・It may take up to 1 week to reflect the rank. If it is not reflected after that, please contact us
・If you donate to the server or have trouble with the rank, we will not take any responsibility for the operation.
・There is no discount if you already have a rank and want to get another rank.
・Donated money will not be refunded
・If you have any questions about donating to the server, please contact us from the official Discord ticket.
・The assigned rank cannot be transferred to another account.