サーバーガイド Server Guide
サーバーで使えるお役立ち情報です Useful information that can be used on the server
接続方法 How to Connect
You can connect after reading and agreeing to the terms of use and server rules.
Click the button below (the button will not be displayed on your computer).
チーム制ゲームでの全体チャット Shout in Team Game
(送信先がチームのみの場合は最初に TEAM と表示されます)
In team games, by default it is only sent within the team (with exceptions)
To send a chat to the entire team, put a "!" At the beginning of the chat
(If the destination is only a team, his TEAM will be displayed first)

サーバー内での設定 Settings in a Server
After joining the server, you can change the settings in the server by pressing Set from Pause (see the picture below)
* If it is not displayed, please try several times.